Marshaun Olaniyan

 Embrace Self-Care and Self-Love: A Plea to Black Professional Women

In the hustle and bustle of demanding careers, it’s all too common for the black professional woman to put herself last on her ever-expanding to-do lists. Juggling work, family, and personal responsibilities, the importance of self-care often takes a back seat. It’s time to change that narrative and prioritize the most critical person in your life – yourself.


Picture this: Self-love is the foundation! The root that anchors you as a black woman in your strength and worth. As your Shift Relationship Strategist, I’ll guide you to embrace the beauty of your identity, fostering a deep connection with yourself before extending it to others.


Self-care becomes a sacred ritual – not just face masks and bubble baths (although those are exceptionally relaxing), but a profound understanding of your needs, boundaries, and desires. In your coaching realm, self-care is a transformative act of self-respect, a declaration that her well-being is non-negotiable.


Consider this: when you consistently neglect self-care, you risk burnout and diminished overall well-being. Imagine a scenario where you’re at your best professionally, but your physical and mental health suffer. It’s a trade-off that none of us should be willing to make. Self-love isn’t just a luxury; it’s a necessity for sustainable success.


Take a moment to reflect on your daily routine. Are you consistently putting your own needs at the bottom of the pile? Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup. If you’re running on fumes, your ability to excel in your professional life is compromised. It’s not selfish to prioritize yourself; it’s an investment in your long-term success and happiness.

Consider the example of Michelle, a successful attorney and mother of two. She found herself constantly giving her all to her clients and family, leaving no time for herself. Over time, the toll on her health became evident. It wasn’t until she hit a breaking point of exhaustion that she realized the need to prioritize self-love. Incorporating regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and setting boundaries at work allowed Michelle to not only maintain her career but thrive in it.



Another inspiring story is that of Jasmine, a corporate executive who was hesitant to take time for herself, fearing it would be perceived as a lack of commitment. However, after experiencing heightened stress levels and a decline in her overall well-being, she decided to make a change. By scheduling regular self-care activities, she not only enhanced her performance at work but also became a role model for her colleagues, showcasing the power of self-love in achieving success.



In conclusion, the call to action is clear: black professional woman, invest in yourself. Take the time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Remember, prioritizing self-care is not a sign of weakness; it’s a demonstration of strength. By loving and caring for yourself, you’re not just elevating your own well-being but also paving the way for a more resilient, empowered community of black women in the professional sphere. Remember, you are worthy of the care and attention you give to others. In the journey of life, make sure to include yourself on your list of priorities.



Cheers for your next step! Come and embark on this transformative journey dedicated to you loving yourself,  basking in your worth, and becoming softer and kinder to yourself. Sis, join the waitlist for my 6-Week 3S Challenge – crafted just for extraordinary black women like yourself.



Picture this: A community of incredible black women who have not only taken on the challenge but emerge beaming with happiness after completing this challenge. Now, it’s your turn to choose yourself, to prioritize your growth and well-being.



Hundreds of sistah’s have already conquered this path, radiating happiness along with being more secure in herself and living out incredible results. Now, it’s your time to shine. Seize the opportunity to choose yourself and click here to be part of the next amazing group of black women who are ready to uplevel their lives.

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Your self-love adventure awaits – don’t miss out! 

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